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Panel & canvas paintings

Paintings are bi-dimensional artworks composed of several paint layers applied onto wooden, canvas or other supports. The variety of materials encountered in artworks give rise to many challenges. Our team is specialized in the conservation of ancient, modern and contemporary paintings. Treating a painting also means ensuring its safe handling and preservation in a given context. To do so, we intervene on the framework by restoring or adapting existing exhibition systems. For tailored services, we can provide custom wood and metal structures or manufactured climatic boxes. 


Stone -polychrome - synthetic material

Sculptures are works of art characterized by their three dimensional form. Through time, sculptures have become a significant part of our cultural heritage. Made during different eras and from various materials, sculptures carry a wide range of values and challenges. In our studio we embrace this diversity as a nature of art and are trained to treat multiple scenarios as polychrome sculptures, made out of stone materials, wood and other non traditional materials like plastics or even foods.

Conservation of art


Synthetic materials

Art objects refer to functional items which were not originally made with  artistic intentions but which are currently considered as part of art collections regardless. By this general term, we refer to ethnographic, archaeological and design productions.
The large number and heterogeneity of objects in such collections reflect a wide range of  materials and technologies that men  have developed through time.  
Each type of objects requires a unique approach of conservation depending on the nature and status of the object.


Installations become works of art through the process of being installed. Often created for particular sites and time-specific occasions, re-installations of the work may vary in different contexts. Those often include ephemeral materials, "objets trouvés" or time-based media, or both, such as audio-visual and electronic media which are now most often obsolete,
The understanding of the artist intentions is fundamental to visualise  the original aim and expected result. Partnerships with the artists allow us to better document and preserve the theatrical and sensorial aspects of an installation, such as sound, vision, touch, smell and spectator involvement in interactive works.

Conservation of art
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